Ready to do more together?

Pitting teams against each other shouldn’t build team spirit…

…but, when you throw in plenty of Clownfish capers, you’ll find everyone coming together.

It could be laughing at each other’s tumbles at our old-school Sports Day Races. It could be giggling over terrible ‘guesses’ at our Game Show Challenge. It could be cheering on the Scalextric champion at our Gameopoly nights.

Whatever it is, our company away days create team spirit, team memories, and teams that work harder together.

Think as a team

Teams that play together think together

Teams that play together, stay together.

Pick the right Away Day and your team will bond – over shared laughter; as they uncover each other’s unique skills; and as they appreciate their differences – realising they can only ‘win’ together.

These insights, relationships, and memories will set your team up for a brighter future together.

Think about your team

We can only succeed when we’re healthy and happy

Away Days are proven to improve morale, reduce stress, and give teams a little digital detox – and they show your team that ‘people’ are just as important as ‘profits’.

And that leaves them more productive, creative, and resilient when they get back to their day jobs.

Company Away Days

Entertaining Entertainers

Packed with personality, we’ve curated the finest crew of comperes, hosts, and quizmasters.

Flawless Equipment

Our slick gear and expert engineers ensure your Away Day runs seamlessly.

Tailored Away Days

Active? Cerebral? Competitive? Laid-back? We have an ‘away day’ for every team style.

Bring Teams Together

Our team are pros at making sure everyone gets involved – and gets in the team spirit.

All The Extras

You can tailor your event with Clownfish classics, like pick and mix stalls or photo booths.

You’re in good company.

Your Company Away Day checklist:


Share your needs and
wishes with us

Step 2

Get your bespoke
Clownfish plan

Step 3

Join the fun with your team
(while we do the work)

See our Case Studies

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The whole Clownfish Events team together

Meet the Team