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Nathan’s Milestone Moment

Rhinefield Clownfish van

“I started working casually for Clownfish when I was still at school. The first event I got involved with was a big one –  an ‘It’s a Knockout’ competition for Tesco – and it was on a Sunday.

I was buzzing with excitement and couldn’t wait to get going, but on the way to the venue the van started playing up. We had to trundle all the way in first gear, which made set-up time incredibly tight, but in true Clownfish style we all pulled together to deliver a cracking event.

The journey home was even worse and involved two different towing vehicles. We got home really late and I had to get up bright and early for school, but I had had the best day and couldn’t wait to do more.

A good few years later, I am here full time – and I still get that same buzz on the way to an event. Luckily our vans are in better shape now!”