Roll-A-Ball Reindeer

8 player game

From £1,995 excl. VAT

Step right up and experience a festive twist on the classic seaside fairground game with our Roll a Ball Reindeer!

Channel your inner competitor as you roll balls to victory in this merry derby.

Perfect for all ages, this game adds a touch of nostalgic fun to your event.


  • 8 x racing reindeers
  • A beautiful LED starlit backdrop
  • 8 x illuminated red and green candy striped lanes
  • A festive red and green candy striped skirt
  • Themed sound effects
  • A stocking full of laughs


  • Equipment size: 4.6m wide x 2.3m deep x 2.2m tall
  • Operational area:  5m wide x 3m deep x 2.3m tall
  • Surface required:  Flat surface indoors
  • Power requirements:  2 x standard 13amp household socket
  • Access requirements:  Fits through a standard domestic doorway


How do I play?

Roll your ball up the racing lane towards the holes at the end (each contestant gets 3 balls). Each hole is worth a different number of points. The more points you score, the faster your reindeer dashes towards the finishing line. The first reindeer to reach the middle wins.

How many people can play?

Up to 8 players can compete head to head in this pulse racing game.

Do I have to have reindeers?

Not at all. Fancy racing with snowmen, Santa or anything else Christmassy? Chat to us now and we’ll see what we can magic together.

What other theming can I have?

This game is super customisable! From the skirt to the characters, the racing lanes to the backdrop, we can personalise it all. Talk to us today and we’ll make your wish come true.

How long does each game take?

Approximately one minute. But this depends on how fast the players are.

Can I turn off the sound?

Yes. Perfect if you’d like to avoid clashing noises.