Selfie Pod

From £795

A slim and sleek photo pod that comes complete with a box of props. Fits neatly into smaller venues, but can accommodate large groups in a wide shot format.

One of our members of awesome team will be on hand throughout, so you're free to enjoy dressing up, posing and pouting with your guests.


  • Unlimited HD prints
  • Bespoke print design
  • Digital download of photos post event
  • Prop box
  • Pro DSLR camera
  • Sleek outer design


  • Equipment size: 0.72m wide x 0.65m deep x 1.62m tall
  • Operational area:  2m wide x 3m deep
  • Surface required:  Flat surface indoors
  • Power requirements:  1 x standard 13amp household socket
  • Access requirements:  Fits through a standard domestic doorway


What makes this different to other booths?

How many photos does it take?

How many printouts do I get?

How good are the photos?

Can I personalise my prints?

Can I get all the digital copies?

If this is ‘open air’, what’s in the background of my photos?